Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

Growing Music Ministry

The Music Ministry at Pinnacle hosts its annual end-of-the-year dinner party at the end of May. It is a way for us to celebrate the season, talk about our accomplishments, and thank one another for the time, commitment and support we give to the church, our community, and ourselves. To the party we invite everyone who shares their gifts, no matter what they are, with Pinnacle’s music and arts. Thus, the party included many current and former members of our Chancel Choir, Sing For Life Chorus, Pinnacle Pealers Handbell Ensemble, ushers and supporters of the Pinnacle Concert Series, Pinnacle’s pastors, program and support staff, as well as Elders, Deacons, and some of the younger participants. The Music Ministry at Pinnacle is a complex network that touches many lives, and it would not work or be successful without a commitment of a great number of volunteers. I am so grateful for each and every one of you! 

We had quite a season, and it’s worthwhile to summarize our accomplishments. 

The Chancel Choir led over 50 worship services last season, multiple Christmas, Holy Week and Easter services, Lenten and Advent Vespers, and performed at our concerts within the Pinnacle Concert Series. The Choir learned and delivered around 65 anthems, including such masterpieces as Requiem by John Rutter, Sanctus from Joseph Haydn’s Nelson Mass, Beautiful Savior by F. M. Christiansen, At the Name of Jesus by R. V. Williams, Laudate Dominum and Ave Verum by W. A. Mozart. We performed compositions by some of the most respected and prominent sacred music composers: Jeffery Ames, André J. Thomas, Heather Sorenson, Tom Trenney, Keith Hampton, Elaine Hagenberg, John Bell, John Rutter, Karen Marrolli, Craig Courtney, Robert Ray, Dan Forrest, Mark Hayes, Howard Helvey, John Ness Beck, Lloyd Larson, among others. Our choir grew by 13 new members in the past season, and we are thrilled to have such a wonderful family of Christians sharing their love of music with the congregation and our community. 

Our Children and Youth Ensembles were led by a great team of professional musicians and educators: Sonja Branch, Samantha Jorgensen, Tommy Strawser and myself. Pinnacle children and youth served musically in many worship services: Children’s Sabbath Sunday on October 16, Steel Drums Ensemble with the Chancel Choir on October 23, Christmas Pageant on December 18, on Christmas Eve, on Feb 12, during Palm Sunday and Easter services, on Children Appreciation Sunday, and Youth Sunday. Most of the music was deliberately some form of collaboration with the adults to create intergenerational experience for all involved. Last summer we had a successful VBS and Youth Music and Mission Trip to California, and this year's VBS and Youth trip to Las Vegas are expected to be wonderful as well!

The Sing For Life Chorus grew exponentially to an average of 40 singers. We have a core group of 30 dedicated singers and are visited weekly by a group of around 10 folks from the Lone Mountain Memory Care. Some of the highlights of this season include delivering two concerts in December and May, and singing with the Princeton Theological Seminary Choir when they visited Pinnacle in January 2023. 

We hosted 20 events within our Pinnacle Concert Series. We welcomed guest choirs: a youth choir from the Peachtree Road United Methodist Church in Atlanta, GA, and Luther College Nordic Choir. We hosted concerts by some of our best local organizations: Arizona Musicfest Orchestra, Phoenix Symphony, and Phoenix Chorale. We delivered Discovering Eastern Europe concert; Phantom of the Organ; Veterans Day Tribute; Celebration of Christmas; MLK concert in collaboration with the Princeton Theological Seminary Choir; Soundscape to Humanity with Scottsdale Community College and Phoenix Children’s Chorus; John Rutter’s Requiem on Good Friday; and Worlds Colliding in collaboration with four of our local community colleges and ASU music departments. We hosted educational organ events in collaboration with the Central Arizona Chapter of the American Guild of Organists: Pedals, Pipes and Pizza, and a workshop for local church musicians with organist Katelyn Emerson. 

Frankly, I could not have done any of that without Pinnacle’s leadership, support of the pastors, program and support staff, and ALL OF YOU! The Music Ministry relies on many staff members and volunteers who help make sure that things run smoothly. From the tedious but vital logistical and administrative details, through countless hours spent on planning, scheduling, organizing and rehearsals, to the final delivery, larger picture and vision for the future, the Music Ministry at Pinnacle engages over 150 people. I could not be more grateful for your support, encouragement, enthusiasm, and the Love of God you share with Pinnacle and channel to our community. Thank you!