Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)


Isn’t this the greatest time of year…? The crisp fall mornings have arrived, new flowers are beginning to bloom, bird’s songs seem more joyful, the grass is a deeper shade of green, days are shorter but time outdoors is longer. For those of us that live in the Valley we have such joy knowing we made it through another summer!

Fall brings some of my family’s favorite times.  We are avid football fans and this year we are enjoying high school football to the extreme. We cheer on the Wolves at Desert Mountain as Eli plays on the freshman team, Ethan on the varsity team, and Ellie in the marching band. Three in high school is so fun!  Our youngest, Emily, is in 8th grade and will play with the high school band this Friday for the home game vs Mountain Point. And we, like many of you, cheered on our Arizona Cardinals in their overtime win this past Sunday. So many things to be thankful for!

I invite you to join us next Sunday, October 15th, for our celebration of the nationwide week observing Children’s Sabbath. At Pinnacle, our darling vocal and bell choirs, children ages 3-12, will perform and provide their talents and cuteness:) This week is hosted by the Children’s Defense Fund, and we will share some very difficult facts facing so many: children each day are born into extreme poverty, many suffer abuse and neglect, an astonishing number drop out of school, too many children are going to bed hungry and must fight for their lives with each breath. We are tasked with the plea to stop, pray and recognize how we can help.

This fall I urge you to join me to take the time to smile, enjoy the fall days, and live in the moment. Prayers are imminent for those that are not as fortunate and may not be seeing the true gifts we have right outside our doors. Rest assured and know this is the life God planned for you!
