Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

…we have a concert series at Pinnacle. 

  1. Awe-inspiring space. We have one of the most gorgeous and breathtaking sanctuaries in town! I haven't yet met a person who, when entering our sanctuary, does not stop and gasps in amazement.

  2. The acoustics are perfectly suited for music. A solo voice can fill the space entirely. A solo instrument like violin does not require any amplification. A drum will resonate no matter how soft or hard you hit it. Large choirs and orchestras give goose bumps and a sense of unmatched sonic fulfillment. 

  3. The state-of-the-art pipe organ - equally stunning as a work of art and as a musical instrument. It was created to be multifaceted - to be equally powerful as a solo instrument, as well as a source of sound support and perfect blend for choral, chamber and orchestral music. 

  4. Pinnacle Sanctuary was created with music performances in mind - we have backstage, tunnel, movable table and chairs on the chancel, separate entrances for large groups, theater lighting, and many more features to accommodate the needs of groups that come to perform here. This season we will be exploring other spaces on our campus as well: we will invite you to experience more intimate chamber music concerts at our Chapel and festive celebrations outside on our Sanctuary Patio. 

  5. Outreach. By offering diverse musical experiences the series attracts a diverse audience. We offer light-hearted Phantom of the Organ and a Bluegrass music concert this season; more thought-provoking Veterans Day Tribute, MLK concert and Requiem on Good Friday; large scale sonic experiences like our most popular Celebration of Christmas. 

  6. Collaboration. We connect with and support our local professional organizations like Phoenix Symphony, Phoenix Boys Choir, Phoenix Brass Collective or Arizona Musicfest, as well as local professional musicians who join our Pinnacle ensembles. We also invite national artists to share their art with us. 

  7. Connection. Music has the power like no other to evoke emotions and create a sense of connection. Concerts in our stunning sanctuary allow audiences to experience music in a space that can enhance the emotional and spiritual impact of it.

  8. Support for the arts and artists. We contribute to the promotion and appreciation of the arts within our community. We provide a space where artists can showcase their skills and share their passion with a wider audience.

  9. Education. We care about sharing our passion for music with others, and we offer music workshops and host national music conferences. 

  10. Last but not least, FREE concerts to the community. As a Christian organization we want people of all walks of life to come through our doors and experience quality art. It is the ultimate expression of a welcoming mission statement of Pinnacle Presbyterian Church. All our concerts are free of charge, with the exception of the concerts we host by Phoenix Symphony and Arizona Musicfest. 

Our 2023/2024 has been finalized, our beautiful brochure is in the making, and will be shortly in your mail and on our website Stay tuned to learn what we have in store for you this year. On behalf of all the artists, volunteers, staff, supporters and patrons, I would like to heartily invite you to consider joining us for 19 outstanding events this season!