We come together as God’s people, welcoming each person at different places in their walk of faith, creating a stimulating environment to explore and grow in one’s faith. Worship is casual traditional, filled with joy and music. Ministries for children, youth, and adults explore a broad range of faith expression, honor questions, and respect individuality.
Upcoming Events @ Pinnacle
Our Advent hymns convey the biblical story of a world waiting in eager longing for the coming of the Lord.
This year we invite you to come together to pause for a moment on the longest night of the year.
Concert organist Ilona Kubiaczyk-Adler will share insights into the journey that brought this extraordinary instrument to life in the heart of the desert.
Join us to learn about the apostle, messenger, and bondservant of Christ, Paul.
Join us for a 12-week study of Parables: The Greatest Stories Ever Told by John White.
Join us in person or online where we can share conversation and fellowship before our study begins at noon. This is a great way to connect with our church family.
Each week we will discuss the scripture lesson for the upcoming Sunday’s worship service in an informal setting.
Join us to learn about the apostle, messenger, and bondservant of Christ, Paul.
Join us for a 12-week study of Parables: The Greatest Stories Ever Told by John White.
Join us in person or online where we can share conversation and fellowship before our study begins at noon. This is a great way to connect with our church family.
Bring your coffee and join Pastor Erik and others for a discussion about Advent.
Join us for a Christ-centered, spiritually-directed grief support group…
Each week we will discuss the scripture lesson for the upcoming Sunday’s worship service in an informal setting.
Join us to learn about the apostle, messenger, and bondservant of Christ, Paul.
with Rev. Dr. Nancy Duff
retired Princeton Theological Seminary professor
Join us for a Christ-centered, spiritually-directed grief support group…
Join us for a 12-week study of Parables: The Greatest Stories Ever Told by John White.
Join us as we gather online for Worship, Bible study, Prayer, and new ways of being church together.
Rev. Erik Khoobyarian
Senior Pastor
“Finding a place where both our needs and our gifts are welcomed is rare. Pinnacle is that place and we have a spot for you!”
Get Involved at Pinnacle
Pinnacle offers warm and nurturing programs for children designed to create excitement in learning about our Christian faith.
Pinnacle provides safe and supportive opportunities in which youth can come together to explore and develop their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Pinnacle believes learning, serving and connecting to one another is the life that God wants for us.
We invite you to join us.
Preschool & Kindergarten
Pinnacle Presbyterian Preschool is an active community of teachers and parents dedicated to raising competent, creative and caring children.
Pinnacle Foundation
In 2006, Pinnacle Presbyterian Church leaders saw the need to ensure and safeguard the long-term financial interests of this magnificent church. To meet this need, the Pinnacle Presbyterian Church Foundation was created. Gifts can be given directly to the church or directly to the Foundation.
Singers, ringers, instrumentalists, and listeners — young, old, and in between — all have a place in the music ministry at Pinnacle.
Each week we will discuss the scripture lesson for the upcoming Sunday’s worship service in an informal setting.