Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

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Keeping Sabbath

Sermon Preached By: Shelly Core
Scripture: Matthew 12:1–14

About the Guest Preacher

Shelly Core will be joining the staff of Pinnacle Presbyterian Church as part–time Pastoral Intern in August. She has served as Director of Children’s Ministries, Elder, Treasurer, member of the Finance Committee, Chair of Adult Education at PPC, and was Chair of the Presbytery’s Educational Ministries Committee. She currently serves as a Trustee to the PPC Foundation, and Vice Chair of the Committee on Preparation for Ministry of the Presbytery. She was recently elected to the Presbyterian Cooperative Committee, the national committee responsible for writing and administering ordination exams. She will be a Certified Associate Christian Educator once she is employed in that field. Shelly has been married to her husband, Scott, for 16 years.