Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

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Harmony Ministries Fast Facts

Did you know … ?

  •  … this Easter Pastor Luc will baptize over 50 adults, as he does every Easter.  His most important work – spreading the good news of the Gospel – continues with our help.
  •  … last year Harmony Ministries opened a new school in the remote mountainous area of LaSalle.  In its first year the school had 73 registered students; this year there are 138! 
  •  … a child who lost an arm in the earthquake is able to attend school in Port-au-Prince without cost because of support from churches like PPC. 
  •  … many OTC and prescription medicines are purchased for the Harmony Ministries clinic in Port-au-Prince with PPC support, giving the doctor there the ability to treat patients and provide relief to those who couldn’t otherwise afford care.
  • … PPC received detailed accounting statements from Pastor Luc for all construction monies sent to Harmony Ministries for the new church – covering everything from tons of rebar to bags of cement to boxes of nails.  Reporting on use of funds was provided to our Presbytery, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and PPC’s Session.  The church is almost complete.

With our “hands on” support of Harmony Ministries, funds are used exactly as we direct after consultation with Pastor Luc.  When we send mission teams we can see the benefit of our donations, whether in dollars or the many supplies collected – from colored pencils to music instruments to medicines. 

Pastor Luc is grateful for our gifts and ever mindful of maintaining the trust with Harmony’s supporters.